Houtskär Healt Center
Riggoksentie 2 A, 21760 Houtskari
GPS-adress: N 60°13’10.8, E 21°22’25.3
Tel: 0400 117 120, (02 454 5222)
In emercency situation call 112
Tel: 0400 117 120 (weekdays from 9 to 11 am)
Tel: 0400 117 120 (weekdays from 9 to 11 am) or online
Duty Pargas Health Center, weekdays 8 am to 16 pm.
Tel: 02 4545 220.
Andress: Vapparintie 15
GPS-adress: 60°18.62’N 22°17.52E
Hospital in Turku
TYKS T2-hospital, Savitehtaankatu 1, Turku.
Tel: 02 313 8800.
Elderly care
Ängesvägen 3, 21760 Houtskär
tel: 040 488 5595
Johanna Rankio tel: 040 488 5590